So, first of all, the picture has absolutely NOTHING to do with this post except for the fact that we took it yesterday at lunch and I haven't posted since then. I really only have two things to report today. #1 It rained today at my house for the first time in a month... literally. We are experiencing semi-drought conditions here in the Ham and it's been miserably hot. Oh, and my grass is 100% dead. Thank you, God for the rain. The only drawback is that when I walk outside, I have to peel back and paddle through a curtain of humidity. I can literally breathe the thick air. Welcome to Alabama! #2 I think I'm officially addicted to MySpace! I created a page one week ago while my husband was out of town and I was bored. I really did it to reconnect with old friends and to direct them here... to my blog, which I update fairly regularly. So how was I supposed to know that after only a few short days, I would have 34 (as of today) "friends" who I can now keep in touch with at the touch of a button. I mean friends from elementary school, high school, church youth group, fun college pals, AND my new post-college buddies. It is AMAZING how many people are in the loop! If you are a blogger, I suggest also linking yourself on MySpace. You'll be overwhelmed. CAUTION: MYSPACE IS HIGHLY ADDICTIVE AND SHOULD BE USED CAUTIOSLY BY THOSE WHO ARE ALREADY ADDICTED TO BLOGSPOT.
amen for the rain...and yeah. myspace is dangerously addictive. i use it to spy. fun times!!!
You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it »
Best regards from NY! » »
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