
Monday, July 03, 2006

Finally, RAIN! and MySpace

So, first of all, the picture has absolutely NOTHING to do with this post except for the fact that we took it yesterday at lunch and I haven't posted since then. I really only have two things to report today. #1 It rained today at my house for the first time in a month... literally. We are experiencing semi-drought conditions here in the Ham and it's been miserably hot. Oh, and my grass is 100% dead. Thank you, God for the rain. The only drawback is that when I walk outside, I have to peel back and paddle through a curtain of humidity. I can literally breathe the thick air. Welcome to Alabama! #2 I think I'm officially addicted to MySpace! I created a page one week ago while my husband was out of town and I was bored. I really did it to reconnect with old friends and to direct them here... to my blog, which I update fairly regularly. So how was I supposed to know that after only a few short days, I would have 34 (as of today) "friends" who I can now keep in touch with at the touch of a button. I mean friends from elementary school, high school, church youth group, fun college pals, AND my new post-college buddies. It is AMAZING how many people are in the loop! If you are a blogger, I suggest also linking yourself on MySpace. You'll be overwhelmed. CAUTION: MYSPACE IS HIGHLY ADDICTIVE AND SHOULD BE USED CAUTIOSLY BY THOSE WHO ARE ALREADY ADDICTED TO BLOGSPOT.


Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

amen for the rain...and yeah. myspace is dangerously addictive. i use it to spy. fun times!!!

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