Before Justin and I were married, we made our first "couple-friends" in the dog park in Justin's neighborhood. At one time, we were all very close - Lexy and Steven, Conrad and Kara, Paul and Jennifer, Marc and Jill, and Justin and me. The other couples were already married, but we all got along very well. Not only did we meet practically every afternoon with our dogs in the park, but we got together for the Super Bowl and annual Christmas parties as well. Slowly, couples began to move away from our little neighborhood in West Homewood. First it was Conrad and Kara, then Paul and Jennifer, then Justin and me. Before long, it was just the Mayhews and the Petrys left! Everybody welcomed children into their lives (except Justin and me, and I think Paul and Jennifer). And with the business of life, the get togethers became less frequent, and we all but lost touch with Conrad and Kara and Paul and Jennifer. Jill, Lexy and I played Bunko together for about 2 years, but around the beginning this year, even our Bunko group got too busy to get together. We hold precious memories with these couples of our first few years of marriage.
Last night, we bid farewell to Marc and Jill Mayhew, their little boy Will, and their boxer Rosco.
Marc took a job at a hospital in Kingsport, Tennessee, and the fam is moving this week. Although we will miss them, they'll be closer to their families in their home state of West Virginia, and they have PROMISED to keep in touch and visit us on occasion. Lauren hosted a farewell cook-out at her house, and several of our friends were able to attend.
Annette (Marc's cousin), me, Carrie, Jill, Marie Jo and Lauren - once the truest of Bunko queens. Now just good friends!
We wish Marc the best with his new job, and hope they meet lots of new friends in their new home in Tennessee. Take good care of Will and Rosco, and we can't wait to see pictures of baby "Miss Priss" in a few months!
We'll miss you!