We are almost settled in at work after a great Memorial Day weekend! I actually had the weekend off, so Justin and I headed down to the beach Thursday night to get our monthly dose of the sun. I spent two wonderful days wiggling my toes in the white sand and swimming in the crystal clear Gulf of Mexico in Gulf Shores, Alabama. I am rejuvenated and sunkissed!
Friday, I was swimming in the gulf. I was out further than I normally go, but the water was unusually shallow. I glanced to the right and saw grey shadows under the water on the gulf's floor. I walked toward them, just curious about what the shadows were and I suddenly realized it was a group of sting rays swimming my direction! I counted eight in all as they passed me, four on my right, and four on my left. I was a little scared because of the word STING. Any creature with a name like that, I try to avoid. Not knowing much about sting rays I did a little research. I found out that their tails sting like a scorpion, they have mouths on the bottom of their bodies, and they are related to SHARKS! As with most dangerous creatures, they usually don't attack humans unless aggravated, but with all these RARE shark, alligator, snake, and you-name-it attacks lately, I'm glad I survived! ;-)
Justin and I were also able to spend some time with Justin's family who lives in the area. We are going back in two weeks and will be taking his nieces (ages 8 and 2 1/2) to the beach. I should have something interesting to report after that weekend as Justin and I play "Mom and Dad."
Oh by the way, I sold a house today. Yeah!
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