Top 10 things we experienced on our road trip to Idaho.
Also titled: You can't do THAT on a plane!
1. Read road signs that say "Next exit - 57 Miles"
2. Buy REAL cowboy boots and hat from a Cheyenne cowboy named Logan
3. See an antelope in the median of a busy intersection
4. See Mile High Stadium in Denver, the Cardinals stadium in St. Louis, and the Royals stadium in Kansas City
5. Drive for hours with the Rocky Mountains as your backdrop
6. Look over and see Abraham Lincoln's face carved into a rock (not Mt. Rushmore)
7. Watch the sun rise over windmills in Wyoming
8. Play the lotto in Missouri, Illinois, and Tennessee and break even
9. See a dog enjoying a ride on the back of a motorcycle in a mesh pup tent wearing driving goggles
10. Check off 4 states from my "States-left-to-visit" list! Only 22 to go! It was good to see you Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado and Kansas!
The Nebraska corn
The Kansas oil riggs (there were hundreds)
The Wyoming rock formations
The St. Louis arch
Here are a few pictures from the trip...
Donatello's 1st Birthday Tour
1 year ago
ooohhhh looks like so much fun! awesome. great pics, too!
Hi Whit,
Well what a beautiful house, lovely holiday and great blog you have. I LOVED reading it. I sat down with a cup of coffee and felt as if we had been out to coffee together for a HUGE catch up!!! Nice to be in Australia and see how my good friend is doing on the other side of the world. I will keep checking to see how your life is going and I will keep you & Justin in my prayers. Love, Jane
Hey Whitney! This is Lindaey (Davison) Eason from Harding University! I saw your link on Kristy's blog and just wanted to say "hey" - I hope we can stay in touch now! :) Looks like you haven't updated your site in a while since your last update was in July, so I'll check out your MySpace and see if you check that more regularely. Hope you're doing well!!
Enjoyed a lot! »
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