How weird is it to wake up in your old house, surrounded by your old things, but only you've been gone for well over 2 years? When my alarm goes off in the morning, not only do I have my husband wanting me to make it be quiet, but my mom and my dad, too! And me? I like to listen to the radio when I wake up. And I like it loud. And I like it early. I want to lay around and listen to my funny radio guys for an hour before I actually get out of bed. This habit seems to annoy the other people in the house, so I have to make personal adjustments. And not to mention that when I moved out of this house, it was VERY wrong to sleep in the same bed with Justin, and now... well, you know! ;-) We are approaching our third night at Maison de Leach. We're still not really settled, but we will be in time. The sooner the better in order to keep the peace.
We did set ground rules. We discussed what Mom and Dad's expectations were for Justin and me; and what ours were for them. They expect us to keep our room and bathroom neat, help out with the dishes and do our own laundry. Deal. We expect them to provide wireless internet and to stay out of our business. I was surprised the first went over so well. I kind of threw it in there as a freebee, but I'm now hooked up to their brand new wireless connection! Hooray! The second is easier said than done. I know. I live it. Daily. They mean well, I know, but there's a fine line between caring and meddling. The latter would be disasterous to this living arrangement.
Today, we closed on the townhouse. What would have normally been an hour closing lasted two hours, but other than that, it was smooth. So long, Inverness! We had a nice 10 months, but we're ready to get back to the familiar - back to where we are within 10 minutes of friends, family, church and work. The countdown to September has begun. Approximately 120 days until we move into our new home... let's hope for sooner.
I worked this afternoon for the first time since Sunday. It seems like I've been off forever, but really it breaks down like this... Monday was Memorial Day and Justin and I were at the beach through Tuesday (my day off). Wednesday (my other day off) the movers came, and we got everything loaded into storage. Today, we had a sales meeting this morning, and I left straight from there to go to the marathon closing, and didn't return to work until 3:00. I was so behind that I worked until 8:00 tonight to get everything done. I have a meeting in the morning, and a contract appointment early afternoon, so I won't be able to tackle any other work tomorrow until around 3:00. What a drain! I'm so happy to be taking it easy tonight. Well, that is, AFTER we loaded the fine china and our oil paintings into the cars and then into the storage unit. I finally got home around 9:15. I left this morning at 8:30. That is definitely a heckuva day!
On that note...
1 year ago
sounds like you've been busy!
I'm sure you'll look back on this time as a special time of post-marriage mother/daughter bonding. It's neat that you'll get to spend some good quality time together. My mom lives sooooooo far away! BUT, we head to St. George today, so I'll get a great big dose of Momma Jo all week! yippee! I'll try to call you if my cell works out there.
Just be thankful you guys are doing this pre-kids!! Glad you're back to work and good luck with the living situation!!
Hey Whit,
I didn't have cell phone service on the island. Just got back and got your messages. My baby shower is tomorrow after church... will try to call sometime tomorrow afternoon/evening if I can track you down during my free moments.
I LOVE RICK AND BUBBA. I dont get to hear them here in FL. Frankly they would not be "as appreciated" in this town as they are in the deep south. :) Congrats on a new condo!
melanie cagle jones
Hey Whitney...Hope being home again hasn't been too hard on you so's been a while since you posted!!! Do we need to send out a search party??? :)
Actually, there's two sides to this story. Your side, my side, and somewhere in the middle...the truth. Love ya, Mom
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