It seems that Justin and I have been doomed to a series of lemons. That is, in reference to cars. Last year we bought an '03 Mercedes from a friend of ours who said it drove perfectly. It did, at the time. We had it for about 7 months when it all started, ironically just 24 hours after a routine maintenence check at a certified Mercedes shop. Loooong story short, the transmition was beginning to malfunction, and we needed to get rid of the car FAST before any real trouble set in. Justin found a great deal on a '05 Expedition and we made the trade. Fortunately, we had gotten an incredible deal on the Mercedes, so we didn't loose anything financially. He pulled a few thousand out of the dealership, and I was now the proud owner of a giant SUV. The original idea was for me to drive the new Expedition until Justin's '98 Expedition decided to expire. Then we would get me something I really liked and Justin would take over the '05. Well, the SUV had other plans for our life. On occasion, Justin has noticed a vibration in the car. It doesn't happen regularly. I, on the other hand, never notice ANYTHING car related. "Do you hear that?" Nope. "Did you feel that?" Nope. "That, right there. You didn't feel that?" Nope! I just don't know what look or listen for when it comes to cars... and frankly, we had agreed that would always be his area of expertice because I'm seriously lacking in the car knowledge department. Well, he noticed some more vibrations, and some smoke coming out of the back, so he took the car to the shop.
"Your engine has locked up, and there's no way to fix it without getting a NEW ENGINE." That's what Long Lewis Ford told us. If you are in Birmingham and take your car there, I recommend getting a second opinion. Justin was livid. Basically (because I know my "audience" is estrogen-filled rather than testosterone-filled), when an engine locks up, your car will not start. A new engine means replacing the giant machine under the hood. Justin drove the car to the dealership, the mechanic drove it into the bay, and THEN they tell us the engine no longer works. Hmmm. Justin had it towed to a different dealership (Town & Country Ford is a good place), who quick-fixed it for $850. The car now drives, but one of the rods in one of the cyliders is bent and, like Long-Lewis said, we will need a new engine at some point. That, folks, will cost us 6,500 smackers. Ugh. Makes me nauseated just thinking about that.
I'll keep you posted on what we decide to do, but at this point, it looks like I will be getting a new/different car soon. Please pray this one isn't a lemon!
1 year ago
I hear minivans are very reliable.
okay, okay, sorry... couldn't resist!! Now for my genuine sympathy... as I say to Wesley on occasion - icky, yucky, bleeech! Sorry for your car woes. That has to be SO frustrating!!! I get stressed out just reading about it. I'll be praying that something good comes your way soon. You might want to take a look at Consumer Reports. Michael is a CR junkie. He rarely buys anything without a copy in hand. We're a Toyota family, and they've never let us down! Our house seriously look like a Toyota dealership when Michael's parents are in town! I traded my Corolla for a Camry, Michael has a 4-Runner, then we got the Sienna. Michael's dad drives a Sequoia and his mom drives an Avalon. We love every one of those vehicles! So that's my promotional plug of the day (Toyota, you can send that check addressed to HANNAH ROGERS).
wow - sorry about that! I know that's a very frustrating feeling...I myself recently went through the transmission scare, remember?! Well - good luck finding yourself a new vehicle - I know as a realtor you need something larger and rather nice, eh?! I'm with Hannah...stick with Toyota, Honda...every Ford I've ever owned has been a lemon!! Normally Mercedes would be reliable...what a shame you had to let that one go!! :(
You know there's a "lemon law." I don't know the specifics but you should check in to it. An '05 shouldn't already need a new engine! I was just talking to a girl about it recently and she got just about all her money back for the lemon of a car she had.
Thanks for the advice about posting pictures. Not exactly sure what you mean but I'll give it a try and if I can't figure it out I'll call you.
It really stinks that you're having all these troubles!!! Last year our trans went out and it really was awful! It's very expensive to fix cars, but we really need them!!! :)
I hope a great opportunity comes your way, and when it does you'll have plenty of lemonade!!!! :)
So sorry to hear about all of your vehicle woes :( Hope some good luck comes your way soon!
Whitney, it's great to see what's up in your life! Hannah left a comment on my blog and I was roaming hers and found you. It looks like, despite the lemons, you are making pretty good lemonade for yourself! BTW, this is Jen Hutch, now Gorham, from HUG. Check me out on blogger as well -- good to see you!
Where, oh where has Whitney gone??? You've gone MIA on us again, Whit.
Whitney,....oh Whitneeeeyyy...Where are you?!?!
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