Saturday, Justin and I decided to take a little trip to North Alabama. I recently heard of a place called Little River Canyon near Fort Payne. It was an absolutely gorgeous Saturday, and I was off work, so after my work out, I came home and got ready for our day trip. After I looked at a map online to identify our route, we loaded up the dogs and took off.
Our first stop was a little antique shop outside Centre, Alabama. Justin and I found an old chest perfect to hold the blankets in our media room. We visited with the nice people who own the shop, and they admired our dogs before we hit the road again.
Next stop, Cedar Bluff - a small town on Lake Weiss. We stopped at a local restaurant called Fibber's for a late lunch. The waiting area was as big as the one at P.F. Chang's in Birmingham, so we could imagine what it would be like on a Saturday night. Fibber's did not have a menu. There was only one thing to order... the southern buffet. You name it, and it was fried up and placed on the buffet at this restaurant. After paying the surprising small-town price of $24 for our lunch, we headed up toward the canyon.
If it weren't for the sign that said "Little River Falls," we may have missed it altogether because it crept up on us sooner than expected.
Since we passed the falls, we pulled off to first take a picture from afar.
The Falls up close... not sure why there is a blue hue on the picutures. It was a beautiful bright sunny day!
Justin has mastered the self-portrait.
We drove further down the scenic highway alongside the gorge of Little River Canyon. From time to time, we came upon little pull-offs so we could look at God's creation.
The sun begins to make its descent.

Grace's High Falls is a seasonal waterfall that usually flows in the Fall-Spring season. During the Summer, there's just not quite enough rainfall for this waterfall to have much of an effect.
After our 11-mile trip alongside the canyon, we were surprised to stumble upon Dogtown, Alabama. Justin and I had been wanting to take a trip there for a while, but had never taken the time. In Dogtown, there is a furniture store called Akins Furniture Company. 
It started as a tiny little store in a tiny little town, and it grew and grew... the town didn't. Akins Furniture IS Dogtown, Alabama. Directly across the street was a cute little school, but I must say I'm not sure where they find kids to attend. That's how "in-the-middle-of-nowhere" this place is. What draws people to "Dogtown," as this furniture store is better known, is the wholesale pricing. Mostly junk, and what I like to refer as "country" furniture (ie, fluffy Lay-Z-Boy recliners, fluffy sofas - not the good kind of fluffy, and other random finds) Dogtown can also special order from almost any furniture line out there. This is where they get a lot of their business. Justin and I have pretty much gotten all the big pieces for our home, but we walked away with a great wooden mirror for our dining room at a great price. AND, we got to check off something on our list of things to do in Alabama... two things actually. Little River Canyon and Dogtown.
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