When my college friends, Andrea and Hannah came to visit Hayes and me back in April, we realized that her in-laws' home in Columbus, GA is really only about 3 hours from Birmingham. When her husband Michael was summoned for a week-long business trip in California, Hannah decided to load up the kiddos and come visit her her in-laws and me for the week from Florida.
They rolled in late Monday night, and I took Tuesday and Wednesday off work. We mainly played around the neighborhood. Here is a photo summary of our visit!
The walk THERE wasn't too bad. Once we got to the park, Wesley and Anna Kate played on the wooden train while Hayes took a little nap in the stroller, and Hannah and I rested on a bench.
As I said, the hills didn't seem so bad on our way TO the park, but Hannah and I both thought we might pass out on the way BACK. I guess it was the deadly trifecta of hills, Alabama heat, and pushing babies in strollers that almost did us in, but we survived. I felt so sorry for Hannah who, being almost 13 weeks pregnant, was taking it especially tough! After cooling off at the house, we got ready and headed to the pool.
Anna Kate had fun playing with a barbie (maybe The Little Mermaid) that a little girl had left behind. She felt right at home in the mecca of double names. She was in the company of little girls named Lilly Grace, Amelia Kate, Mary Rose and the like.
It was waaay past nap time for all the kids, so we loaded everything/one back up and went back to our house to get ready for dinner at Moe's Original Barbeque.
Day 2 went by so quickly. We were at the pool by 10, home by noon, and Hayes had a doctor's appointment that afternoon (read his 4 month post for an update). Hayes had a poopy catastrophe in the tub, so after 3 attempts to bathe him in his tub, we ended up in the big tub in my bathroom! Why does he always have a poopy disaster when Hannah comes to visit?! (If you haven't read about the last incident, you should... photos are about halfway down the post.) Hannah took her kids to lunch while Hayes had his check-up and then EVERYBODY took a nap (but me). All the kids were wiped out from all the playing, and the mommies were wiped out from all the kids! We loaded up one last time to take the entire crew to meet my mom at California Pizza Kitchen for dinner.

I have a great picture of Hannah and her kids and one of Hayes and my mom, but I'll have to add them later. They are still on my camera!
After dinner, I put Hayes to bed, and while Hannah put Anna Kate down, I read and sang silly songs to Wesley. This morning we all rushed around getting ready - I was headed to work and Hannah was packing up the kids and the car. Erin, our babysitter, came during the middle of the madness and I was happy to pass Hayes off to her while I finished getting ready.
Hannah, we had so much fun visiting with you and your kids! You are welcome back any time! :-)
Those sunglasses make me laugh! I can't believe he doesn't take them off! Colton would NEVER put it up with it!
What a great post! Ok...a mile and a half is a lot when you're walking on FLAT terrain while preggo and pushing a stroller with two kids in it!...add in the heat, the hills,...the heat! lol! My oh my...I'm glad you guys made it back! Sounds like you all had a wonderful visit - loved the pictures!
It looks like you guys had a great time. Isn't it great getting together wth college friends. I didn't even know Hannah was preggo again..I need to check her blog. Little Hayes is so cute! I just want to squeeze his little cheeks!!!
We had such a fun time! (minus me almost dying on the climb back from the bridge!). Birmingham now ranks right up there with Disney World in Wesley's book! I need to post some pics of the kids with your dogs... they were so in love! I am in love with Hayes. Miss him already!
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