Mom picked him up from the babysitter this afternoon and noticed that his tooth was close to the surface, but it apparently broke through the skin sometime during dinner! I must admit that it took me a little by surprise! He has not been noticeably fussy, feverish, or restless. He's just been normal, happy Hayes! What a big boy I have!
I'll have to take a picture tomorrow... I took a few tonight, but they have mysteriously disappeared from my memory card... it's the strangest thing.
Below is a tooth chart I'm going to use to keep track of Hayes' teething.

I think you are supposed to start brushing his tooth now. That's pretty cool that you felt his tooth as soon as it came in. I wonder if your second kiddo will get a teething chart, too. :)
Teething chart, smeething chart... I was lucky to notice when a new tooth appeared! Ha! I want to see a picture of that tooth!
When Henry first got teeth, I was told to just wipe his teeth with a damp washcloth when you bathe him. That is what I did. I had a rubber toothbrush that I would let Henry chew on, but I did not put toothpaste on it until he got a little older.
My doctor told me to start brusing Colton's teeth when he first got them... but he was already on table food by then. Maybe a damp cloth is still okay as long as he is only eating that baby food. We brush Colton's teeth every night... just make sure you don't use adult tooth paste. They aren't supposed to have the Fluoride that is in it...
One Step Ahead is a baby catalog that I feel like comes in our mailbox EVERY WEEK but it has a great "baby's first toothbrush" set that is a 3-step set. The first is one the baby can hold himself and chew on so accompishes the dual purposes of cleaning the gums while also being a teether! Check it out.
I can't believe he already has his first tooth! Time is FLYING!
I was in Mobile yesterday and was telling Meghan and Caitlin about Hayes first tooth. You should have heard Caitlin. She was so excited and said several times how "AWESOME" that was. She was so cute.
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